Alumni Stories

Andi Martin Suryana

CEO of Kratoon Channel

Alumni stories
Desain Komunikasi Visual
CEO of Kratoon Channel

Andi Martin, Indonesia's Superhero Animation Creator

In a world where digital technology is penetrating the city life, consumer-based content gets more exciting with the emergence of Netflix, Disney plus, Amazon Prime Video, etc. animation is one of the many contents appealing for all ages. In Indonesia alone there has been 4 animation movies during the year of 2020. Animation series emerging on Youtube started flourishing as the number of their subscribers rise.

Andi Martin, CEO of Kratoon Channel, started as a game developer. He developed the first Indonesian online game called ‘Inspirit: Arena’. Game and movie are two of the many medium Andi does. His true passion lies in storytelling, universe creation, and intellectual property creation. With a vision of creating an Indonesian version of Disney, Andi evolves from just a studio-based project into a character and animation licensing enterprise. To generate this kind of product, Andi admits that theory is not enough – knowledge of the dynamic and ever-changing creative industry is a must-have.

Before proceeding into UPH, Andi takes his undergraduate studies at Savannah College of Art and Design, taking Visual Communication Design. When he started back in 1996, he had to abruptly stop his college and return to Indonesia due to the economic crisis that washed over Indonesia. Later in 1997 Andi resumed his studies, now at UPH, taking the same major. At that time, UPH was the only university willing enough to accept Andi’s transfer credit he took with him from the U.S.

“I did self-learning in order to prepare myself for the creative industry, especially when gaming was not as celebrated as it is today”, Andi admits.

According to Andi, the key was to never give up – it was through failure one gains the ability to thrive. Animation is what brought Andi to contribute to Indonesia’s comic superhero, Hebring. He achieved 2nd prize on Asean Character Award 2014, Asean-Japan Centre. Early 2019, Andi is further entrusted with big projects. He was asked to assist animating Mr. Jokowi’s life story.

“In the long run, I really wanted to entertain and educate Indonesian children through animation and characters that originate from Indonesia. It is also in my dream to make Indonesian animation characters successful globally,” Andi closes.