Alumni Stories

Mei Lestiorina Nainggolan

Head Division of Nursing Division & Clinical Operations at Siloam Hospital Medan

Alumni stories
Head Division of Nursing Division & Clinical Operations at Siloam Hospital Medan

The Handful Values ​​to Live Life

Love, joy, peace, patience, generosity, kindness, loyalty, gentleness, and self-control - these are the core values ​​that Mei Lestio Rina, Alumnus to UPH's Faculty of Nursing cohort 2009, has always adhered to. Mei has been entrusted to be Siloam Medan's Nursing Division & Clinical Operations Head Division since 2015. In her day to day errands, she is responsible in building a strong team of nurses, one of which requires Mei to always push her team's growth, maximize each of their potential, and remind them to work with humility so that they see each challenge to be processed and grow. “One of the biggest (and I think will always be an ongoing) challenge is on how to make my team of nurses to work with passion. In my particular field of work, especially in providing health services and health education, I realize that we must work with adequate competence and continuously provide the best service so that Siloam Hospital Medan can be the community's first choice,” said Mei.

Mei's career today is definitely inseparable from her late mother's influence, her family's presence and support, as well as the academic provision she gained. For Mei, the education she's received at UPH was a determining milesone. “With excellent education, an employee will be able to give their best wherever God entrusts them to be. The same applies to me, thus the decision to continue pursuing a qualified, relevant, and of the highest possible level education at UPH,” Mei confirms. Mei also expresses that she would love to pursue Masters of Nursing at UPH in the future.

Mei's footsteps in pursuing her career also made her find important values ​​to have, both before and during work. Mei calls it the “5B”, namely: Bersemangat (Be Enthusiastic), Bersukacita (Be Joyful), Belajar keras (Study Hard), Bertekun (Perseverance) and Berdoa (Pray). These values has become a daily reminder for Mei as she face a better tomorrow.